Respraying uPVC Windows in Birmingham, Wolverhampton & the Midlands

Are your UPVC windows looking old and affecting the look of your home? Or are you fed up with their colour and fancy a change but don’t want the expense and disruption of fitting new windows? Rejuvenate your windows and double glazing with our professional uPVC window spraying services in Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Coventry, Nottingham and other regions across the Midlands, offering an unlimited choice of colours to bring your frames and house back to life.

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Immaculate Quality

Our multi-coat solution is guaranteed to renew your windows, creating a more diverse and aesthetically pleasing look for your property. The colour, consistent finish and immaculate quality of your window frames is a huge source of pride in your property.

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spraying kitchen cabinets
upvc spraying services

Colour Change Configurator

Choosing the right colour to suit your needs can be difficult. Why not try our colour configurator to find the perfect colour for your property? Choose from different shades of grey, blue, cream, brown, red or black. Get in touch to see what we can do for you.

Why Window Spraying?


The minimum guarantee on all sprayed contents is 10 years. We can assure you that your windows will not fade, crack or peel!

Free Quotes

We’re more than happy to come out to you to provide a free quote, or you can email us photos of what you want done and we’ll provide a rough estimate.

Trusted Experts

We are based all over the UK. Sprayworks UK is a well-established and widely recommended on-site spraying company for commercial, industrial and domestic projects.


We will always consider your budget and acknowledge your needs.